What is Since You Asked?

My Facebook rule, for as long as I can remember, is to avoid posting anything with political or religious content. Not surprisingly I have fallen from this ideal several times. (It usually involves reading a post that agitates me in some way, but that’s not important—my commitment to keeping Facebook a positive place for people who have friended me is.)

It’s not that I have anything against political or religious expression—far from it. If you know me, my politics and views on religion are no surprise. I have several Facebook friends who post largely political things with lots of humor thrown in, and whether I agree with them or not they have a certain grace in how they express things. But as for me, I think it best, at least as far as Facebook is concerned, to refrain from venturing into those waters.

I do have opinions on these things. Who doesn’t? I think the best way to reconcile this is to gather what writing I have done on religion and politics in a place where one has to actually make an effort to find it. Why anyone would take the trouble is something of a mystery to me, but there you are.

So. Here it is. Some of these are pieces I have written before and only published now. Some originate here. I may change or even remove them as I see fit. I may even publish items that have no political or religious content. In any event, welcome.


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