The United Nations
Sad, ashamed, mortified. The organization envisioned by Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill to provide a place for sovereign nations to work out their differences short of armed conflict has been lectured to by a failed reality television star with a severely limited understanding of the consequences of global human suffering. Trump's foreign policy, to the extent that he has one, has the same objects his domestic policy has. More, more, gimme, gimme, mine, mine. If you're my ally, feel free to chase whatever goals you choose, even if they doom the planet to a premature heat death. If I think you're my enemy, nuclear annihilation is in your future. My parents watched the world descend into depression and then worldwide conflagration because of short-sighted knuckleheads like DJT who thought simple solutions existed for wildly complex problems. They don't. Humans sharing a planet with limited resources is a complicated and ever-evolving dance, not a neg...
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