Hey Boomers, Cigarette Ads Paid for Your Parents' Yearbooks

A selection from the Jayhawker magazine 1946-48. These were the inside front and back covers--not even Coca-Cola came up with the dosh the cigarette companies did.  First up, Chesterfield. They go for the very upscale Hollywood endorsements with mentions of the latest movie appearances.

Dorothy Lamour

Hitchcock movie I've never even heard of, to my shame.  I wonder who the heck Valli was.

Basil Rathbone

Ann Sheridan

Chesterfield used a number of approaches, among them sports celeb endorsements.  

I note that Ted Williams isn't actually smoking a Chesterfield.  DiMaggio was a handsome devil.

Apparently the cigarette lady was your average girl-next-door who looked suspiciously like Ann Sheridan.

That's what Dad wants!  A carton of Chesterfields with a ribbon on it from Junior.

Alan Hale (The Skipper's Dad)

And of course there's always Santa.  Unfortunately Chesterfield didn't have an exclusive with the big guy, so he also pushed Camels.

Camel was a bit different.  They tried a lot of things to get your attention but always pushed the T-Zone, because "it will tell you."

More doctors smoke Camels.  Especially when studying.

Apparently there was a cigarette shortage during WWII.

Camel also did some weird ads with not-quite-celebrities doing active things while smoking Camels.
Such a fascinating collection of sports: rodeo, fishing, polo, and ping-pong.

And this one is just weird.  It's also the only actual cartoon in the bunch.

For those of you who have held on this long, two extra cartoons drawn by KU students for the magazine.  I'm still dumbfounded by the sexism and the fact that a magazine in 1947-48 Kansas was able to publish them. The women have tiny feet.
Did women even have nipples in the 40's?


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